This page showcases my experiences with suicidology research work through various organisations and individuals addressing ideation, prevention, intervention and bereavement.
Losing my mother to suicide during early childhood has significantly impacted my life. As an adult, I have greatly benefitted by using a range of holistic therapies as part of selfcare and, in turn offer wellbeing services to others.

Astrology is different to any other form of divinatory art because we can deal with timelines. We can give people hope and that's perhaps the most important thing of all - if you can give someone hope, something to aspire to, there's light at the end of the tunnel. You will get through this and when you do, you will thrive again because it is all cyclical.

Steve Judd

UK. Professional Astrologer

The churchill fellowship

travel for research 2023 

Five weeks of in-person travel to Punjab, Delhi & Bengaluru in India.
Funded by The Churchill Fellowship & Samaritans.

Suicide Intervention: British, Punjabi Sikh Women - A Holistic Approach (

Churchill Fellow 2023


Addressing the prevalence of suicide ideation from women of diaspora Punjabi, Sikh communities and the lack of targeted therapies in the UK for intervention and prevention within this community.

Hybrid Travel


The purpose of my Fellowship was to identify, develop and apply a range of therapies beneficial for ethnic women in managing suicide ideation and respective emotional health issues.

Case Studies


Aiming to achieve clarity on the impact of ideation, the creation of new networks for the provision of therapies and community interactions to develop self-healing techniques.

institute for educational and social equity

presenting research 

Presenting TCF research at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Funded by The Churchill Fellowship, supported by Dr Deborah Outhwaite & Dr Paul Miller.

Annual Conference

Keynote Speakers

Institute for Educational & Social Equity is an autonomous, specialist Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Institute.


Sharing Research

I attended a highly stimulating and thought provoking conference alongside 26 other presenters of EDI research.  

qpRI india (certified)

international QPR Gatekeeper instructor  

Suicide Prevention Certification 
International networks

mental health Mentors

Sachin Chitambaran, Founder of TCH, India.
Home | The Connect Hut
Sachin Chitambaran - Founder of TCH Anoo Bhalay CF2023 Suicide prevention

For young people having these language-based interactions, someone to talk to them about their life, where they feel they are able to express their challenges in as basic a way as possible, without great articulation, can only be a positive thing. 

Sachin Chitambaran

Founder of The Connect Hut, In.